Skip to Products or Skip to Filters or Read More Information About This Category Home / Trophies / Corporate Awards / Globe Awards Globe Awards Skip Filters + Filter by Category All Categories (543) Trophies (353) Corporate Awards (158) Globe Awards (12) + Filter by Price $50.00 - $99.99 (6) $68.50 - $136.99 (6) $100.00 + (10) $137.00 + (10) $ to $ Filters There are 12 Globe Awards Products Sort by: Bestselling Newest Price $ - $$$ Price $$$ - $ Name Aa-Zz Name Zz-Aa Scroll Up Î Show Filters 558-5.5 Polaris Globe Bowl 3 Sizes: 5.5", 7", 9" $70.00 - $130.00 $95.90 - $178.10 558-5.5 555-5 Crystal Earth Plaque 3 Sizes: 5", 6", 7" $55.00 - $120.00 $75.35 - $164.40 555-5 547G-7 Globe Pillar Award 4 Sizes | 2 Colors $125.00 - $250.00 $171.25 - $342.50 547G-7 556 Global Empire Crystal Award $200.00 $274.00 556 549B Global Excellence Crystal Paperweight Available in Black or Blue $50.00 - $55.00 $68.50 - $75.35 549B 552-6 Global Peak Crystal Award 3 Sizes: 6", 8", 10" $75.00 - $105.00 $102.75 - $143.85 552-6 557-3.5 Easton Globe Award 3 Sizes: 3.5", 4.5", 5.5" $60.00 - $85.00 $82.20 - $116.45 557-3.5 767-2 Mondial Crystal Globe Award 3 Sizes $65.00 - $140.00 $89.05 - $191.80 767-2 551 Blue Universe Crystal Award $240.00 $328.80 551 553-6 Towering Globe Crystal Award 4 Sizes: 6", 8", 10", 12" $135.00 - $280.00 $184.95 - $383.60 553-6 554-9.5 Rising Globe Crystal Award 2 Sizes: 9.5", 11" $150.00 - $190.00 $205.50 - $260.30 554-9.5 648-11 Globe Column Crystal Award $190.00 - $225.00 $260.30 - $308.25 648-11